So what is a writer’s block? According to the American dictionary, a writer’s block is the inability to begin or continue a piece of writing, normally temporarily. But you see, these guys are only making it sound tush and better than it is.

What really is a writer’s block?

A writer’s block is when your brain is blocked (full stop) Basically, your brain is done for!😀 You feel dumb and blank and you will take a pen and rack your brain but mba, nothing will happen.

Before now, I used to think I knew what a writer’s block really meant. You know, It feels cool when you’re talking to a friend and you say “I’m having a writer’s block” It makes you feel like you’re a professional writer or something. But I’m sure if writer’s block were a person, he will be looking at me back then like,


For I did experience a writer’s block, more of a mental breakdown actually. I had just finished with school and did not graduate with the grades I thought I would.

They say that when one is having a writer’s block, the human brain will “shift control from the cerebral cortex to the limbic system and then, it is because this cerebral cortex is not able to function in its full capacity, hence a person is also not able to be as creative as one should be. Anyways, I think my own cerebral cortex was even totally destroyed.

I could not write even short quotes to post on Instagram, talk less of the blog articles.

Do you ever feel like you’ve lost something and can’t seem to be able to get it back? Perhaps you feel like you were finer or more beautiful at one point in your life than you are now (Lol, that’s so petty)

Or rather, you feel you had things going and planned out well, but things are not quite in place anymore. Probably because of a mistake you made or just life’s many twists and everyone else seems to be doing just fine and moving on with their lives but your life seems stagnant and stuck or slow. Then, I am glad you’ve joined me here.

I believe there is no situation you go through as a believer (and otherwise) that is not known and allowed by God. Nothing happens to you outside the knowledge and will of God.

Yes, this means that I also believe that when you make a mistake, you will bear the consequences, oh you will! But even those consequences have been well known by God and will be used to draw you into a deeper relationship with him and make you trust him the more. So to God, the situation is already a win-win because the most important thing is that you may know him.

“And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” John 17:3

And the Lord is so excited about eternity, that he has planted it in our heart’s already. We start now! Knowing him!

So for example, a girl got herself pregnant, Oh.. Her bad! Ugly situation yh?

Consequences: she would have to go through the early stress of fending for a child but oh! even this seemingly bad situation will be worked out by God for the deepening of her character, to bring about a closer walk with him.

Oh you failed your exams,

you don’t have a job yet,

you are depressed,

he broke up with you,

family problems;


“It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statutes…I know O Lord that your judgements are right, And that in faithfulness, you have afflicted me” Psalm 119:71 & 75

Did you freaking read that!

Those things that seem like afflictions, scratch that, those things that are afflictions are all so you can know him. He is much more interested in you knowing him than in your ‘comfort’. God wants to see you come to trust in him for everything.

Look at something else! Paul was talking to the Philippian Church,

But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly”, a few verses later he writes again “I trust in the Lord that I myself shall also come shortly

So four months later, here I am. I literally trust God to order my brain so I can write stuff, and the things I’ve written in these times have been the ones I’m most grateful for.

You’ll be buried to grow,

You’ll go through fire to be golder

And God is not promising that the heat will get colder,

for God deals with you as with sons, for what son is there who a father does not chasten,

so do not be discouraged when you are rebuked by the Lord for whom the Lord loves he chastens.

It’s alright for yesterday to seem better than your today, so far as today is more godly.


*drum roll*



I have a gift for you.. Yuuuup!

I have two actually,

A song titled: Free fall and another titled: I need your light.

You see, I am very confused.

Both are deep and profound, and if you ask for my advice on which to pick, I don’t know!

I really love ‘free fall’ but I have a feeling some of you might prefer ‘I need your light’ and I’m not bothered BOTH ARE DOPE!

Please take it as my treat to you. You’ll be glad you listened. Download below! Singer is Manne

Freefall- https://www.reverbnation.com/thisismanne/song/29028953-freefall

I need your light


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